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2021... Connect to Your Divine Essence
Here we are, nearly a month into a new year after 12 months of unprecedented change, crisis, and the unexpected. Yet 2020 also brought new priorities, deeper connections and compassion, and initiation of changes long overdue. 2021 will be a year of more change and will have its challenges, yet 2020 has...
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Thoughts For This Week
“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Hello Nugl Family, This week is the presidential inauguration. Tensions are very...
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A Perspective on Current Events
Hello Nugl family, I have a new year’s message ready to post but felt it was essential to postpone and address current events. This post isn’t about politics, drama, or who is right or wrong. It is about people because all of this ultimately IS about people.  Let me offer some...
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Power vs Force
Greetings friends! I apologize for my absence.  Lots of shifting and changing going on over here.  Are you feeling it too?  I bet you are! While you may be very busy right now, this is a month for being more than doing. So many things are in transition within us and around...
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The Light Time of Year
During the month of December, the Light quotient on this planet increases.  There is literally more light everywhere, even in the form of decorative lights sparkling all over the place.   The holiday season opens hearts as people are more focused on love, loved ones and generosity...
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Meet Your Unseen Friends
The past lockdown and restrictions that are still in place have created a sense of isolation. Even if you are living in a household with others, there is separation from family, friends, colleagues, even strangers. We are all discovering how much these connections sustain us! Introverts tend to handle...
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Oh My Head!
As you know, I talk a lot about the value of being in the moment. Being in your head is the opposite of being in the moment. If you are in your head, you aren’t present… you are in your head thinking, ruminating, worrying, analyzing yourself out of the present and into the past or the future.   As...
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Election Time Solutions
 Here we are, the week of the most contentious election during the most challenging year we have experienced as a collective. Calling it is intense is an understatement!  Even if you don’t follow politics or even vote, the tension is palpable and permeating virtually everything. The fact that...
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Are We Really that Different?
There is so much us/them good vs evil talk flying around. Have you noticed? It’s hard to escape or ignore. This sort of dogma is limited in its thinking, arrogant and divisive.  Those who subscribe to this mindset believe that “we” are right and “they” are wrong.  So, who is right?...
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Relationship Goofies
I’ve been hearing stories lately about big challenges in relationships.  Have your relationships been moving along relatively smoothly and then all of the sudden you are having arguments about things that were never an issue? Or have you both been working hard on your relationship, making great...
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Freedom To Vote
DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT POLITICS  Can you feel the intensity amping up?  The year started with Covid and is culminating with this very contentious election. Even if you don’t care who wins, even if you aren’t one who votes, the energy is palpable.   Speaking of voting, if...
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Root to Rise… and Shine
This is the year of active pause. We all know that Covid-19 has brought life to a halt in many ways. While there may be many things you can’t do as a result, there is a great deal that you can and should be doing during this time. Hence “active pause”. For example, this is a time to assess priorities...
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