
The Bigger Picture of the Cannabis Movement

Julie Farha

Julie Farha

Over the years there have been major changes in the cannabis industry. A paradigm shift is under way and it is bigger than you may realize.

Cannabis is more widely used and accepted for its health and wellness properties. CBD oil has become a popular mainstream remedy.  Huge strides have been made to make medical marijuana legal. More states are legalizing recreational use and others are decriminalizing it.  

However, there is more to this picture. Not only is major progress being made in the use and legalization of cannabis but stigmas are changing. It is not as taboo to use or even talk about a form of marijuana which makes utilizing it more comfortable and acceptable. Even the medical community is part of the conversation.

Perceptions are expanding. There is less judgment and more appreciation for the healing properties of cannabis. Recreational use is more socially tolerated. The increased decriminalization puts marijuana use on a safer path.

People who use cannabis in whatever form are now a part of the mainstream. They are no longer on the outskirts of society but are active members of communities and families, employees and employers. It is now an inclusive environment.

This is a mirror of a larger paradigm shift that is happening.  As a whole, society is becoming more accepting, tolerant, aware and inclusive.  For example, in the areas of religious and spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, alternative medical approaches, racial and sexual equality, things are shifting. Sure we have a ways to go but progress is notable and will only continue.  

As you engage in the paradigm shift of the cannabis movement, be mindful that you are part of a bigger picture. A creation of a more benevolent society and humankind is in the making and you are a part of it.  Treat it with respect and reverence. Appreciate the change happening all around and keep up the good work!

Julie Farha is a recognized intuition expert, intuitive insight coach, speaker, corporate trainer and author. She understands the importance of intuition and teaches people and companies how to apply it to everyday life and decision-making.  

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